My cousins, siblings, and I are blessed with the most wonderful grandparents, and that is definitely an understatement.  Each time one of the grandkids graduates high school, they take us on a special trip as a gift.  Fortunately for them, Sydney and Reid agreed to take their trip together this year (a cruise…jealous), so Grandma and Grandpa get to hit two birds with one stone!  Apparently, I was not so lucky 🙂  Syd and Reid each wanted their own spotlight with their senior portraits, which meant two sessions for me.

Okay, okay – I’m not really that mad 🙂  I so enjoyed doing BOTH of their sessions, and I am thankful to get to take part in each of their senior years.  I posted Reid’s images a couple days ago, and now I am happy to introduce to you the ever-gorgeous, smart, and talented Sydney Pesetti – my lovely cousin!

 So thankful for my friendship with the Guzo’s and the opportunity to use their beautiful farm.
one of my favorites
new tilt shift lens. obsessed.