This post is especially important to me because these two lovely people are my grandparents. My grandma has been asking me almost since I started out in photography to take pictures of the two of them, but per usual, life got in the way and we always made excuses not to do them. I knew the two of them were coming over for my birthday dinner, and we have this beautiful farm near my house, so I told them to dress nice and we’d FINALLY do the photos Grandma had been waiting for!
They picked out perfectly coordinating outfits… I guess that’s easy to do after being married for 54 years… and I taught them the “engagement nuzzle” – also easy to do after being married for 54 years! We shot these in maybe 30 minutes tops (my grandpa hates getting his Converse dirty and it was a little muddy out), and I’d say for 30 minutes, we did a pretty great job. Love these two with all my heart and I am so happy our family now has these photos to commemorate their love for each other – we will cherish these for years to come.