Lynne + Drew | An Upper East Side Engagement

I had the pleasure of taking engagement photos for Lynne and Drew in New York City this summer thanks to a mutual friend who set us up.  I got the chance to explore the Upper East Side a little bit and visit one of their favorite parks in the city.  I got to the park [...]

Lynne + Drew | An Upper East Side Engagement2016-11-22T00:33:17-05:00

Erica + Dan Eric | A New Jersey Wedding

I love "aha moments."  When the lightbulb comes on.  Like finally balancing the chemical equation you've been staring at for 30 minutes.  Or perhaps deciding where you want to take yourself in life.  Or, in my case, realizing I am now comfortable enough to shoot a wedding on my own. I walked away from this [...]

Erica + Dan Eric | A New Jersey Wedding2016-11-22T00:33:17-05:00

Christeen + Cash | A New York City Wedding

My first NYC wedding with Ryan.  I hadn't shot a wedding since November 2012, almost eight months before.  I had forgotten how long of a day this job calls for (I leave my apartment around 8:30 am and don't return until 1 am).  However, I had also forgotten just how rewarding this long day is.  [...]

Christeen + Cash | A New York City Wedding2016-11-22T00:33:17-05:00

Allison + John | A New York City Engagement

This engagement shoot was the first time I met Ryan (on my third day in the city, I believe).  I won't lie - I was nervous.  But it came naturally, as it usually does, and by the end of the shoot I was in my element, despite being surrounded by the concrete jungle that is [...]

Allison + John | A New York City Engagement2015-12-17T08:05:42-05:00

Rachel + Thomas | A Craddock Terry Hotel Wedding

Sometimes I wish I remembered what I was thinking on my drive over to Shelley's the afternoon I first took pictures of little Nick.  Did I know it would be a new start?  Did I know it would be big?  Did I think anything of it?  Doubt it. And I definitely did not know that [...]

Rachel + Thomas | A Craddock Terry Hotel Wedding2016-11-22T00:33:18-05:00
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