No Pressure | A Grandin Village Creative Shoot

Cat is my go-to person when I have an idea for a particular shot or location I want to try out.  Last week, I was laying in bed thinking about how I was in the mood to take pictures.  Sometimes I get in this mood.  And it's not fun when it's past midnight so there's [...]

No Pressure | A Grandin Village Creative Shoot2016-11-22T00:33:17-05:00

A Birthday for Nick, A Reflection for Me

I know I'm about a month late, but happy first birthday to the little man who started it all!!   In just one year, I grew as a photographer, an artist, and even a business-woman.  In one year, I bought two new lenses and upgraded from my trusty little Rebel to a Mark II.  I [...]

A Birthday for Nick, A Reflection for Me2015-12-17T07:57:21-05:00

Ashley | A Virginia Portrait Session

Ashley and I went to Goodwill a few days ago to look at stuff for our apartment, and on the way home, I commented on how the lighting outside would be perfect for picture-taking.  We both have been super bored for the past couple weeks of break, so we decided to hike through the woods [...]

Ashley | A Virginia Portrait Session2016-11-22T00:33:18-05:00

Vintage Winter | A Bent Mountain Creative Shoot

Last January, I met the Blanding twins for the first time - at the top of McAfee's Knob, where they were doing a photoshoot with a green couch they had carried all the way up the mountain.  This year, we decided to reunite with each other and the green couch, but instead of McAfee's, we [...]

Vintage Winter | A Bent Mountain Creative Shoot2015-12-17T07:18:37-05:00

Balloons and Bright Colors | A Virginia Creative Shoot

Over Thanksgiving break, I got this image in my head that I just had to try (no idea where it came from).  Bright colors.  Fun outfits.  Balloons.  An alleyway.  So I gathered up two of my favorite girls to work with and we headed downtown for a few hours of creative shooting.  We climbed to [...]

Balloons and Bright Colors | A Virginia Creative Shoot2016-11-22T00:33:18-05:00
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