Caroline & Billy | A Downtown Nashville Engagement

Caroline and I have known each other since our first month in Nashville. We are both Hokies and knew of each other through our local alumni association, so we randomly decided to go out on Broadway together one night. Looking back, I can't believe I invited a perfect stranger to my house and [...]

Caroline & Billy | A Downtown Nashville Engagement2018-04-30T12:49:15-04:00

Fayth & Cody | A Bell’s Bend Engagement Session

You may remember Fayth from her senior pictures in Lebanon last year... I certainly did because we had so much fun together! So I was delighted when she asked me to take her and Cody's engagement photos. I wanted to find somewhere in Nashville that was more unique, somewhere I hadn't been before. [...]

Fayth & Cody | A Bell’s Bend Engagement Session2018-04-30T01:18:28-04:00

Chris & Nicole | A Downtown Roanoke Engagement

Working with friends never gets old... and it doesn't seem like work! I have known Chris since I was in elementary school - we both spent most of our summer days at the Hidden Valley Country Club pool, and his brother and one of my best friends have been dating (now married) pretty [...]

Chris & Nicole | A Downtown Roanoke Engagement2018-04-30T19:02:26-04:00

Kayla & Billy | A Hendersonville Engagement

Although I've been in Nashville for a few years now, I had yet to visit Hendersonville, a small town just northeast of Nashville. It's Taylor Swift's hometown, so truth be told, I'm not sure why I hadn't made my way up there yet for that reason alone! When Kayla and Billy asked me [...]

Kayla & Billy | A Hendersonville Engagement2018-04-29T23:03:14-04:00

Kelly & Joel | A Percy Priest Lake Engagement

Kelly and Joel are both teachers who recently moved to Nashville, so I loved chatting with them about all of our experiences getting to know the city, what we liked so far, and what we don't like (spoiler: there's not much we don't like). We met up just after sunset at Percy Priest [...]

Kelly & Joel | A Percy Priest Lake Engagement2018-04-29T23:33:36-04:00

Nicole & Allen | A Virginia Honeymoon Session

Two of my very best friends, Nicole and Allen, got married last week, and I couldn't be more excited for them! But let's backtrack a bit... Nicole had asked me to do their engagement photos awhile ago, and we had planned on me flying out to San Diego from Nashville to visit them [...]

Nicole & Allen | A Virginia Honeymoon Session2018-04-29T23:23:52-04:00

Chelsea & Kelly | A Roanoke Farm Engagement

Quick trips to Roanoke to shoot weddings also means shooting an engagement session while I'm in town! I had the pleasure of meeting up with Chelsea and Kelly, two mutual friends of mine, at a local farm for this fall session. If these images are any indication of how their wedding at Sinkland [...]

Chelsea & Kelly | A Roanoke Farm Engagement2018-04-29T23:13:33-04:00
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