About leah@leahwilliamsphotography.com

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So far leah@leahwilliamsphotography.com has created 105 blog entries.

Addison, Avery, + Grant | A Roanoke Newborn Portrait Session

I have been looking forward to baby Grant's arrival for quite some time now, because I knew it meant a chance to photograph one of my favorite families again.  He finally got here just in time for Christmas, so my sister and I spent the morning at the Weaver house getting introduced to Grant and [...]

Addison, Avery, + Grant | A Roanoke Newborn Portrait Session2016-11-22T00:33:16-05:00

The Winterer’s | A Downtown Family Portrait Session

  As I mentioned on my Facebook page, I am forever indebted to this family because they are essentially why this business came to be and flourished in the first place.  When Nick was born, Shelley asked me to take newborn pictures because she knew I had a nice camera.  Unfortunately, having a nice camera [...]

The Winterer’s | A Downtown Family Portrait Session2015-12-19T03:03:11-05:00

The Ress’s | A Roanoke Family Portrait Session

  Kylie, one of my friends and longtime neighbors, texted me to ask if we could do some pictures while her entire family was in town, and three days later, we were meeting up at one of my favorite farms for this shoot.  Luckily we were all free the day after Christmas, because I had [...]

The Ress’s | A Roanoke Family Portrait Session2016-11-22T00:33:16-05:00

Reagan, Rider, + Jamison | A Blacksburg Portrait Session

I have the pleasure of spending all my Tuesday and Thursday afternoons with Reagan and Rider, the two kids I babysit, and before I left for winter break I had the privilege of meeting their little cousin as well for a quick shoot.  We drove around the golf course at Blacksburg Country Club, and I [...]

Reagan, Rider, + Jamison | A Blacksburg Portrait Session2015-12-19T03:12:28-05:00

Molly + Lang | A Virginia Engagement

 Molly is the kind of person you want to be friends with from the moment you meet her....however, I have to laugh at how long it took us to finally meet in person!  This past summer, we set up several meetings and kept cancelling on each other for various reasons until we FINALLY got a [...]

Molly + Lang | A Virginia Engagement2016-11-22T00:33:16-05:00

Lucas | A Virginia Senior Portrait Session

Lucas and I grew up in the same neighborhood and have known each other for years - and I have to admit it's strange to say he's graduating high school this year.  Actually, we took these the day after Halloween and discussed how crazy it was that there were less than ten trick-or-treaters in our [...]

Lucas | A Virginia Senior Portrait Session2016-11-22T00:33:16-05:00

Madi | A Roanoke Senior Portrait Session

Most people have trouble with "the natural face" at first...but this girl ROCKED it!  (and has a beautiful smile too)  Madi was the perfect model, and because of that and some pretty perfect lighting we got this shoot done in record time.  I thoroughly enjoyed wandering around the farm together, getting to know you and [...]

Madi | A Roanoke Senior Portrait Session2016-11-22T00:33:16-05:00

The Tuggle Family | A Bent Mountain Portrait Session

The Tuggle's are another family that have stuck with me for a couple years now.  Each time I see them, I love catching up and watching their family grow!  It's crazy to think that the first time I met Witt, he was an only child, and the first time I met Drew, she was only [...]

The Tuggle Family | A Bent Mountain Portrait Session2016-11-22T00:33:16-05:00

Nicole | A Virginia Tech Senior Portrait Session

Ohh Nicole....for those of you that know the two of us, you know that we have quite a long history.  In fact, we've been happily bickering since 2008 - but I wouldn't change a second of it!  Rooming together as we ventured out on our own together for the first time as freshmen, our many [...]

Nicole | A Virginia Tech Senior Portrait Session2016-11-22T00:33:16-05:00

Reagan + Rider | A Blacksburg Portrait Session

  I just started babysitting for the Creasy's this semester, and I already feel like they're family!  Reagan and Rider were perfect test subjects this past week when I was having a focusing issue with one of my lenses.  I tried out a few fixes on these two (and Josie) before a weekend of shoots, [...]

Reagan + Rider | A Blacksburg Portrait Session2016-11-22T00:33:16-05:00
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