About leah@leahwilliamsphotography.com

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So far leah@leahwilliamsphotography.com has created 105 blog entries.

The DeVier’s | A Sevier Park Family Photo Session

I had the pleasure of photographing Maggie, Chip, and Quinn at Sevier Park in Nashville for a Holiday Mini Session. We JUST barely beat out a massive storm that was coming through Nashville, and thankfully didn't get rained on at all. Usually Sevier Park is bustling with people, but with rain on the [...]

The DeVier’s | A Sevier Park Family Photo Session2018-04-30T16:04:59-04:00

The Langan Family | A 12 South Holiday Photo Session

I just kicked off my Holiday Photo Mini Sessions, and the Langan's were the perfect family to start with. We met up at Sevier Park in 12 South, and I learned that their little girl, Nora, had just started walking. What a treat to get to photograph her at this fun stage! We [...]

The Langan Family | A 12 South Holiday Photo Session2018-04-30T15:51:00-04:00

Caroline & Billy | A Downtown Nashville Engagement

Caroline and I have known each other since our first month in Nashville. We are both Hokies and knew of each other through our local alumni association, so we randomly decided to go out on Broadway together one night. Looking back, I can't believe I invited a perfect stranger to my house and [...]

Caroline & Billy | A Downtown Nashville Engagement2018-04-30T12:49:15-04:00

Grey | A Halloween Portrait Session

My neighbor, Anne, and I had been wanting to carve pumpkins, and she finally got all the supplies while I was in town shooting a wedding. I needed to leave to head back to Nashville, but I delayed my departure a couple hours and we spent the afternoon carving away. After Anne finished [...]

Grey | A Halloween Portrait Session2018-04-30T01:42:02-04:00

Marie & John | A Virginia Anniversary Session

This post is especially important to me because these two lovely people are my grandparents. My grandma has been asking me almost since I started out in photography to take pictures of the two of them, but per usual, life got in the way and we always made excuses not to do them. [...]

Marie & John | A Virginia Anniversary Session2018-04-30T12:26:50-04:00

Becca | An Urban Senior Portrait Session

I think Becca and I may have rescheduled on each other at least three times (one time it was snowing...), so I'm SO thankful we finally had a chance to get together while I was in Roanoke for her senior pictures! It was great to catch up with her and her mom and [...]

Becca | An Urban Senior Portrait Session2018-04-30T01:34:56-04:00

Fayth & Cody | A Bell’s Bend Engagement Session

You may remember Fayth from her senior pictures in Lebanon last year... I certainly did because we had so much fun together! So I was delighted when she asked me to take her and Cody's engagement photos. I wanted to find somewhere in Nashville that was more unique, somewhere I hadn't been before. [...]

Fayth & Cody | A Bell’s Bend Engagement Session2018-04-30T01:18:28-04:00

Kara | A Virginia Tech Senior Portrait Session

It may look warm and springy... but it certainly wasn't! My sister and I braved 30 degree weather to get her senior portraits done, because I was only in Blacksburg for a short weekend visit. Loved getting to run around my old stomping grounds, even if it was freezing cold, and enjoy the [...]

Kara | A Virginia Tech Senior Portrait Session2018-04-30T01:01:05-04:00

Grey | A Grandin Village Newborn Portrait Session

I may or may not be tearing up writing this blog post... I can't believe little Grey is actually here! We have all waited so long for his arrival, and it's surreal that he is really in our arms now. Laura and I have been friends since I was five years old, and [...]

Grey | A Grandin Village Newborn Portrait Session2018-04-30T00:49:18-04:00
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